Projects and Campaigns
Pediatric Angel Foundation
Make a Difference, Become an Angel
The Pediatric Angel Foundation is dedicated to helping children, their families, and promoting children’s safety. Will you help us in our journey to protect, advocate, and education the public on child safety with your contribution? Together, we can and will make a difference in the lives of children in Florida and help prevent drowning deaths and brain injuries with more helmet awareness. We thank you for your support!
Children's Health
The Pediatric Angel Foundation is committed to ensuring impactful and quality children’s health awareness around key areas that can lead to prevention and safety for our children in Florida around water safety and bicycle safety.
Water Safety
The Pediatric Angel Foundation is excited to present its campaign to mitigate and prevent drowning deaths of children in Florida. We know that with greater education and awareness we will make a difference in the numbers of children who drown in the state of Florida.
Bicycle Safety
It is our aim to help reduce the number of traumatic impacts to maintain brain health and head safety through effective and smart use of helmets. Thus, it is our goal to reduce harm and help children continue to play smart and healthy and safely with proper use of a helmet.
Children deserve a safe environment in which to grow and learn
We pride ourselves on our commitment and service to the community. Our events have been centered on awareness and support for children’s health and safety, as well as education and advocacy for all children’s needs.